Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Trouble brew-ing in Malaysia

My God. SHE DRANK A BEER!!!!!!!

According to the Malaysian government, that is apparently a caning offense, drink an adult beverage in public. What's next, women wearing miniskirts?


I have several problems with what has occurred here. First of all, this is why theocracies should never be considered as forms of government. They become nasty toward anyone who breaks a rule.

Secondly, I think women's groups in this country should be outraged and contacting the U.S. Ambassador to Malaysia. Maybe a few well-placed diplomatic threats will prevent the sentence from being carried out.

Third, I think she's being prosecuted in this manner because she is a woman. And not just a woman. A model. Something to be kept under wraps in Sharia society. Something (Horrors!) evil and Western.

Hey Malaysian authorities, I'm glad I don't live there. I probably wouldn't last 10 minutes in your little Allah-worshipping aims at perfection, which is nothing but bunk. And if that makes me an infidel, so be it.

I do not drink myself, but I see nothing wrong with having a beer every once in a while. If alcohol consumption is banned, why is it sold in Malaysia? Simple: because many Western tourists drink, and money wins out.

The only good thing I see coming out of this is no one should accuse President Obama of being a Muslim anymore. He had his little "beer summit" last month, after all. ;)

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