Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ted Kennedy

First off, I was no fan of Senator Ted Kennedy. But, my father always advised me never to speak ill of the dead, so I will refrain.

Ted's politics were vastly different from my own. I don't believe in social engineering. You either work hard or you don't. Some of us are lucky, some of us are not, although I believe the harder you work, the more luck you make. I always felt Ted was born on third base and thought he had hit a triple.

In later years, he emerged as the patriarch of a family which went through a lot of suffering. Admittedly, some of it was of their own making, but no one should go through what the Kennedys have been through over the past sixty-five years or so. Ted was the only male of the family to live past age 46. He actually spent more years in the Senate (47) than any of his brothers had lived.

So, RIP to the Senator. Only one Kennedy from his generation (his sister Jean) remains...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Trouble brew-ing in Malaysia

My God. SHE DRANK A BEER!!!!!!!

According to the Malaysian government, that is apparently a caning offense, drink an adult beverage in public. What's next, women wearing miniskirts?,2933,540504,00.html

I have several problems with what has occurred here. First of all, this is why theocracies should never be considered as forms of government. They become nasty toward anyone who breaks a rule.

Secondly, I think women's groups in this country should be outraged and contacting the U.S. Ambassador to Malaysia. Maybe a few well-placed diplomatic threats will prevent the sentence from being carried out.

Third, I think she's being prosecuted in this manner because she is a woman. And not just a woman. A model. Something to be kept under wraps in Sharia society. Something (Horrors!) evil and Western.

Hey Malaysian authorities, I'm glad I don't live there. I probably wouldn't last 10 minutes in your little Allah-worshipping aims at perfection, which is nothing but bunk. And if that makes me an infidel, so be it.

I do not drink myself, but I see nothing wrong with having a beer every once in a while. If alcohol consumption is banned, why is it sold in Malaysia? Simple: because many Western tourists drink, and money wins out.

The only good thing I see coming out of this is no one should accuse President Obama of being a Muslim anymore. He had his little "beer summit" last month, after all. ;)

Monday, August 24, 2009


This is my first post, but don't you just hate when people comment on news websites that they have to write FIRST!!!

We know you're first, dummy. You don't have to announce it to the world. We can count, OK?